Axesstel AXV-D450 Router

default passwordThese are the details for the Axesstel AXV-D450 router, including the login credentials and instructions for changing the IP and DNS settings. Unlike some other routers, there is no user manual for this model, but these steps should be easy to follow.

Axesstel AXV-D450 Router Details

To access the Axesstel AXV-D450 router, use the default login of admin | admin. The router’s default IP address is likely to be one of the following: | |

Changing the IP Address on the Axesstel AXV-D450

After logging into the router, click on the “Network” tab at the top of the screen. Find the section labeled “IP Address,” and enter the new IP address that you want to use. Remember to use the current IP address as the router login. Usually, this will be, but it can be changed to another address of your choice. Be sure to leave the Subnet Mask at, or the router may not connect to your network.

Axesstel AXV-D450 Login Credentials

The Axesstel AXV-D450 router login credentials are admin | admin.

Changing the DNS Settings on the Axesstel AXV-D450

To change the DNS settings on the router, log in to the router with the default username and password. Then click on the “Network” tab and find the section labeled “DNS server.” Add the new DNS server’s IP address in the blank areas for Primary and Secondary DNS servers. The Primary and Secondary DNS server IP addresses are: [insert IP addresses here]. See also the settings for the Axesstel MV400 Router as well as the Axesstel AXW-D800 Router. There is also the Axesstel D8190AF Router Settings.



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